Our customers partners
Each of our clients is unique to us, with different expectations and requirements. With our technical knowledge and wholesale market expertise, we are able to serve a diverse range of clients.
- General Operators
- Business Operators whose retail market clients are national and/or international businesses
- IT service providers, digital services providers (DSP), service Operators, and consultancies
- Cloud solutions providers
- Hosting service providers, distributors, and installers
- Infrastructure Operators
- Internet Service Providers (local ISPs)
- Public Initiative Networks (PIN)
- Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO)
- Mobile Virtual Network Aggregator (MVNA)
- Foreign mobile Operators, particularly those with whom we have signed roaming agreements
- Operators covering overseas markets

Our customers Mobile Operators
Orange Wholesale France’s customers include major operators operating in a wide range of segments, both in the consumer and business markets, as well as leading players in the field of providing connectivity for transport or connected devices :