Our solutions

Solution Fixe entreprise

Solutions offered on our fixed networks. 

Orange Wholesale France offers high-level connectivity solutions based on our various fixed networks. Aimed at answering your needs for coporate as well as consumer solutions, Orange offers range from local loop unbundling to infrastructure sharing.

Solutions Fixe


Our connectivity solutions are designed for those who seek to leverage the connectivity of our fixed network, whether for professional or personal needs.



Our Mobile solutions are for Operators who want to give their mobile customers access to the Orange mobile network.

Nos solutions Fixe


Our Interconnection solutions allow users from one network to communicate freely with users from another Operator’s network.

Solutions d'accompagnement

Our support solutions

Orange Wholesale France offers a set of digital or human-based services to support you in taking over the products you have purchased. Our teams stand ready to help you make these solutions your own. We also offer online tools to help you manage the various stages of the purchase process at your own convenience: pre-sale, order placement, billing and customer services.