Fiber Optic Connection (FOC)

Collect all your traffic using Orange’s backhaul optical fibre network from Orange Subscriber Connection Nodes where your network equipment can be hosted or connected.

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Connect the different local loops – copper (xDSL) and optical (loops (FTTH and FTTE) to your points of presence using Orange backhaul dark fibre network, anywhere in France.

Choose the reference Orange dark fibre backhaul solution backhaul solution and avoid long and expensive fibre optical network technical deployment.

  • copper reference unbundling offer (Convention de Dégroupage*),
  • or equipment Orange NRAs hosting offer for FTTH or FTTE local loop (HBNRO*),
  • or connected from Orange NRAs to other telecommunication operator’s NRO using Optical Cable Penetration offer (PCO NRA*),
  • or connected from Orange NRA to external NRA ZO using Optical Cable Penetration offer (PCO NRA ZO*),
  • or connected from Orange NRAs to external NRO (other operator subscriber connection nodes) with NRAs using Optical Cable Penetration offer (Liens NRO tiers*).

It provides you with a passive optical fiber, also known as dark fiber, on an existing Orange optical cable, between two Orange NROs or to one of your point of presence (POP).

The solution lets you:

  • collect traffic from your unbundled (copper, xDSL) and fiber (FTTH Fiber To The Home) customers and your FTTE (Fiber To The Entreprise) network,
  • connect all Orange NROs or other telecommunication operator’s NROs to your points of presence.

* are referring to original french name offers or related acronym

Icone Temps

24/7 access (qualification of needs, ordering, incident reporting, etc.).

Icône Calendrier

Monthly billing with personalized consumption monitoring.

Customized technical studies

  • Customize your network using a single bundled technical study and request up to 20 NRAs and get and book (during 8 weeks) all available alternative routes for your network expansion.

Guaranteed fibre connectivity

  • Each fibre order have a 10 or 20-year Orange commitment life time.

Performance & Autonomy

  • Expand your backhaul network bandwidth, control your own Quality Of Service SLA.
  • Improve existing services and propose new ones by managing your own network equipment.

Choosing Orange Wholesale network, you benefit from the support of a trusted player in the implementation and success of your projects..


Provision of Preliminary Information about Orange’s Local Loop Infrastructures

Gain a competitive advantage by using information supplied by Orange Wholesale France to develop your business.


Equipment hosting in Orange’s Optical Local Loop

Host your equipment in Orange permises to gain access to fibre optic local loops.