Provision of Preliminary Information about Orange’s Local Loop Infrastructures

Get the information necessary to deploy your network

Gain a competitive advantage by using information supplied by Orange Wholesale France to develop your business.

Study the Orange Copper Local Loop and Orange Optic infrastructures and the collection network for our Subscribed Connection Nodes (SCN) to prepare for your roll-outs with Orange Wholesale France offers.

The supply of prior information to the Orange Local Loop includes several services on a regional scale or the scale of a regional transmission zone or the scale of one or more communes in the same department, grouping together the following data:

  • General information
  • Maps – Presence of Subscriber Connection Inter
  • Node Fibre-Optic links
  • Equivalent dwellings at the address
  • OCN hosting in Orange SCNs
  • Equivalent access to businesses


  • Get general information and mapping data regarding Orange’s Copper Local Loop.
  • Prepare your  Fibre Optic Connection orders at the Regional Transmission Area (RTA) level.
  • Evaluate the number of potential fibre accesses to deploy for each municipality within a department.

Find out more

You can view the reference offer in the Provision of Preliminary Information about Orange’s Local Loop Infrastructures at


Provision of Preliminary Information about Orange's Local Loop Infrastructures
Provision of Preliminary Information about Orange’s Local Loop Infrastructures



A sales rep is at your disposal to present the features and conditions of this offer.

E-services are available 24/7, including eligibility and pricing tools

Order Production Delivery

Online ordering tools and services are available 24/7 for you to place your order and monitor its status independently.

Post sale

Tools for online reporting of observed malfunctions and real time monitoring of service restoration.

Additional Services

Monthly billing with customized consumption monitoring, suiting the specifics of the offer you subscribed to.


If you would like to know the availability of the Fibre Optic Connection (FOC) solution, you must order an FOC feasibility study between two Subscriber Connection Nodes (SCN), or a routing study for several SCNs.