Our Network Infrastructure

Network infrastructure fundamentals

With infrastructure covering the entirety of France, Orange helps Operators to expand their fixed or mobile broadband and superfast broadband networks.

This infrastructure includes:

  • Around 2 million arterial roads of underground or overground civil engineering
  • Over 15,000 Points of Presence (Subscriber Connection Nodes (SCNs) for copper local loops and Optical Connection Nodes (OCNs) for optical local loops)
  • An optical backbone linking nearly all Points of Presence (POPs)

Under certain conditions, Orange gives access to this infrastructure in accordance with the regulation defined by ARCEP (France’s telecommunications regulatory authority).

In order to allow Operators to define and prepare for their extension projects, Orange provides information on: the copper local loop, at the local level, coupled with a network map, the number of premises to be served, or the presence of fibre optics between the Connection Nodes.

As part of a regional planning project spearheaded by a local government in France, Orange can embark on operations to reconfigure the copper local loop, and create a new SCN called the Increased Bandwidth Subscriber Connection Node (IBSCN). This will allow broadband or increased throughput on copper lines connected to the new IBSCN.

By accessing Orange’s civil engineering infrastructures, Operators can extend a superfast broadband network and fibre optic connections to the buildings of its residential or professional customers.

Once Orange has implemented an FTTH optical local loop, Operators can ask for their active equipment to be hosted on Orange’s OCNs.

Outside of Orange’s service areas, an Operator can benefit from resources available in an Orange POP (as long as it is feasible) to plan the installation of the OCN for its FTTH coverage area.

An Operator hosted in an Orange POP (SCN or OCN) can access Orange infrastructure (optical backbone) to collect its traffic soit vers un autre point de présence d’Orange soit vers son propre point de présence.

Using its extensive experience in broadband and superfast broadband mobile networks, Orange is offering mobile backhaul solutions to Operators who want to expand their own mobile network.

These are end-to-end solutions that include the connection of mobile antennas and the delivery of traffic collected in the Operator’s network.

Host your equipment in an Orange Wholesale France data centre.

Independently deploy your optical network using Orange’s civil engineering infrastructures and utility poles.