Fixed Network Infrastructure Solutions

Fixed Network Infrastructure Solutions

Civil Engineering Offers

Optimum Backbone dark fibre offerings


Hébergement en Espace partagé

Hosting in shared space

Orange provides the technical environment to install your equipment. Benefit from the services of connection to your network and internal links to the site. You are an operator

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Equipements dans des espaces dédiés

Dedicated co-location

Host your equipment in our capacity services and activated DSL services dedicated spaces With the Dedicated co-location solution for capacity and activated services, you can install equipment used

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Shared Connection Points​

Subscriber Connection Node/optical Connection Node Collection

Fibre Optique

Fiber Optic Connection (FOC)

Collect all your traffic using Orange’s backhaul optical fibre network from Orange Subscriber Connection Nodes where your network equipment can be hosted or connected You have any

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Provision of preliminary information about orange’s local loop infrastructures

Point-to-point connection

Core Wave

Core Wave

Interconnectez tous vos sites nationaux en Très Haut Débit Le service Core Wave d’Orange consiste en la fourniture d’une liaison Backbone point à point 1Gb à 100Gb permettant

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Subsea capacity

Câble sous-marin

Capacité sous-marine

Reliez les Territoires d’Outre-Mer en Très Haut Débit Le service de capacité sous marine met à votre disposition une capacité de transmission permanente entre deux stations d’atterrissement de

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Icone représentant les solutions fixes

National and local sncf reseau optimum backbone

Equipment hosting in orange’s optical local loop

Commercial hosting

Dedicated co-location

Shared Connection Points​

Subscriber Connection Node/optical Connection Node Collection

Provision of preliminary information about orange’s local loop infrastructures

Broadband Virtual Private Network

Subsea capacity